Since 2006, Chairman, Andre Farr has helped raise more than $25 million for the benefit of underserved communities in the areas of entrepreneurial mentorship, health disparities and disabilities, youth education, financial literacy, sports and recreation. This year for the first time, he and Farr’s Best Enterprise, a Public Benefit Corporation, has accepted responsibility for leading this valiant effort through the Chairman’s Challenge.
The Chairman’s Challenge will focus primarily on Health and Wellness to fully engage the Farr’s Best mission of promoting positivity, proactivity and prevention as critical keys to reversing generational health disparities found in communities of color.
Medical professionals and fitness experts have, for some time, published volumes of information indicating how the African American community (and other communities of color) have, for generations, suffered from High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, etc., because of a lack of education in and access to the latest health and wellness treatment modalities.
Once again, Andre Farr is leading by example - he has pledged to lose 100 lbs for this very worthy cause. Monetary pledges for the Chairman’s Challenge will officially be accepted beginning 15 December 2020, and will continue to be generated over the course of the next six months, up to 15 June 2021.
Andre will follow a simple health and wellness plan designed for all! Please note that he will be losing this weight under the guidance and direction of medical professionals and will model the exact behaviors we want our family, friends and communities to replicate as they look to improve their own health. As Andre makes specific changes to his diet, nutrition and exercise regimen, we will share that information with you. We will update all of you each month as he progresses through his weight loss journey, until he achieves his goal. The vision of this year’s Chairman’s Challenge is to educate our family and the community at-large about the myriad of tools available to help them better manage their individual health concerns and improve their quality of life.
Andre Farr is leading by example - he has pledged to lose 100 lbs for this very worthy cause. Monetary pledges for the Chairman’s Challenge will officially be accepted beginning 15 December 2020, and will continue to be generated over the course of the next six months, up to 15 June 2021.
Andre will follow a simple health and wellness plan designed for all! Please note that he will be losing this weight under the guidance and direction of medical professionals and will model the exact behaviors we want our family, friends and communities to replicate as they look to improve their own health. As Andre makes specific changes to his diet, nutrition and exercise regimen, we will share that information with you. We will update all of you each month as he progresses through his weight loss journey, until he achieves his goal. The vision of this year’s Chairman’s Challenge is to educate our family and the community at-large about the myriad of tools available to help them better manage their individual health concerns and improve their quality of life.
To support the Chairman's Challenge you can make the following pledges
You can make a one-time gift of any amount
You can pledge an amount per pounds lost, i.e. $10 per pound x 100 pounds lost equals $1000
You can pledge an amount per pounds lost, with a cap, i.e. $20 per pound x 50 pounds lost, equals $1000
We specifically support educational advancement and economic opportunity in order to strengthen the family, build stable communities, and positively impact the world. Our objective is to facilitate and incubate for innovative solutions for society’s biggest challenges thru individual academic achievement and collaborative advancement which results in a more progressive and productive society. We support the pursuit of educational matriculation in both collegiate and vocational institutions, as well as entrepreneurial mentorship programs.